Support Us

The Blue Moon Theatre is a non-profit organization. We rely solely on the generous donations from individuals and sponsors to keep our theatre running. Here are some ways you can support The Blue Moon Theatre:

Membership has its privileges! See our different membership packages and benefits.
Corporate Sponsorship
Not only a great advertising opportunity for your company, small business or department of a company, but a great way to show your support. Entertain clients, reward employees, network, and receive visibility philanthropic support, all while helping to the keep the arts alive!
Capitol Improvements
The Blue Moon Theatre is located in the old Woodstown Opera House, which opened its doors on Christmas Eve in 1885. The Woodstown Opera House was once home to vaudeville acts and "talkies". Together with the generous support of individual donors, foundations and corporations, we hope to revive this beautiful historic building to its pristine grandeur so it can once again be the heartbeat of the community.
Legacy Giving
Legacy Giving includes Estate Gifts, IRA Charitable Rollovers, and Memorial Gifts.
These donations are separate from memberships and can be tax-deductible since they do not include tickets.
Not able to make a donation right now? You can still help! Help us spread the word... it's fast, easy and free!
© The Blue Moon Theatre
13 West Avenue, Woodstown, NJ 08098 856-905-5840

Web Design by T. Brooks Web Design, LLC
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